South Canyon Fire Case Study

3 min readJan 13, 2021


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South Canyon Fire Article 2f A Case Study The South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain in Colorado took the lives of 14 fi refi ghters in 1994. To-pography. fuels. long-term. and short-term weather combined to infl uence the fi re behavior of this fatal fi re. The location of the fi re is a topographically complex area. Storm King Mountain is over 8. 700 feet in elevation. and the terrain . . .

Of July 6. 1994. on the South Canyon Fire. We dedicate this study to their memory with the hope that by learning from their sacrifice. future firefighter lives will be saved. Kathi Beck Tami Bickett Scott Blecha Levi Brinkley Robert Browning Doug Dunbar Terri Hagen Bonnie Holtby Rob Johnson Jon Kelso Don Mackey Roger Roth James Thrash Richard Tyler. Lightning ignited the South Canyon Fire on . . .

WATCH: South Canyon Fire Case Study — Wildfire Prep. July 7. 2019 Homeland Security Today. According to the U. S. Global Change Research Program’s Climate Science Special Report. “Southeastern landscapes are dominated by private lands and relatively high human populations. so changes in social behavior (for example. human-caused fire ignitions). policy (for example. fire …

The South Canyon fire started on a high point on Hell’s Gate Ridge at the base of Storm King Mountain paralleled by two canyons or deep drainages on the east and west sides. In its early stages. the fire burned in the pinyon-juniper fuel type (D) but was thought to have little potential for spread. It did as expected for a short time. Over the next 48 hours. the fire burned downslope in the . . .

This thesis examined a single event as a case study. the 1994 South Canyon Fire. Due to the volume of published material and its position as an extreme case. this fire was determined to be a suitable study. The South Canyon Fire was reinvestigated utilizing each of the U S Forest Service proposed methods. Wildland fire experts evaluated each method according to six criteria. This determined an . . .

South Canyon Fire Behavior Report 0 B 1 version Uploaded — 07–06–1994 . Download. South Canyon Fire Analysis of Escape Efforts and PPE 0 B 1 version Uploaded — 07–06–1994 . Download. Collapse of Decisionmaking and Organizational Structure 27 KB 1 . . .

It was the subject of John Maclean’s book Fire on the Mountain: The True Story of the South Canyon Fire. Fire origin. On July 2. 1994. lightning sparked a fire near the base of Storm King Mountain. 7 miles (11 km) west of Glenwood Springs. Colorado. Initially small and well away from private property. the fire was assigned low priority and allowed to smolder for the first two days. By July 4 . . .

The Post Independent continues a week-long series of stories commemorating the 20th anniversary of the July 6. 1994. South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain near Glenwood Springs. which claimed the lives of 14 federal wildland firefighters. They will forever be remembered for their brave efforts.

National Interagency Fire Center: South Canyon Case Study (2014 Fire Refresher) Part 1 2014 WFSTAR: Pt 2. 1994 South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain Play Video




Written by Lauran


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